Oil and Gas industry
It is well known that during the production life of oil and/or gas wells, the well formations tend to become plugged with iron sulfides and sulfates or polymers added to injection water for increasing water viscosity and sweep efficiencies. Such plugging decreases well production. In response to this problem, a well-established technique is to inject chlorine dioxide into the well. Chlorine dioxide rapidly oxidizes the naturally occurring iron compounds, and also is effective at breaking up and removing organic solids and added polymers.
Chlorine Dioxide treatment reduces:
Iron Sulfide (FeS) - ClO2 destroys the FeS it contacts. The FeS will not re-precipitate, as it can with conventional acid jobs.
Bactericide - ClO2 is a biocide that kills bacteria by destroying the bacteria's cell walls, leaving the water sterile.
Polymers & Residue - ClO2 breaks most frac & polymer flood polymers and reduces or eliminates polymer residue.
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) - ClO2 oxidizes on contact, reducing H2S levels significantly. Since ClO2 destroys bacteria, bacteria-generated H2S can be dramatically reduced. ClO2 is dispersible in oil, water and organic solvents.
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