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The Superior Air Sanitization Solution
Unlike most conventional Odour treatments that merely mask bad smells our AirGel actually has the ability to kill the source of the problem. The Chlorine
Dioxide that is released from the Gel works by destroying part of the odour molecule, stripping it of its odour potential. It is the oxygen ions that are
doing the work, killing the airborne bacteria, mould or viruses and safely eliminating odour. It slowly releases 0,05-0,3 ppm ClO2 per m3 air.
AirGel40 Slow regulated release of chlorine dioxide vapour at undetectable and safe levels.

  • Simple mixing instructions.
  • No capital investment required and no electrical power.
  • 1 packet treats up to 40m2 (floor area) for 30-40 days.
  • The Gel will start to turn yellow within minutes after activation.
  • After approximately 30 days the Gel will lose its colour and become inactive.
  • AirGel40 is developed and manufactured in the EU according EN12671, EN1275 and EN1276

Applications of AirGel40
Air sanitization in rooms at home, offices, hotel, etc. Food facilities; Transport containers; Cars; Caravans; Boats; Storage sheds; Toilets; Doctors practices/hospitals; Odour control applications

For the ability to inactivate isolate proteins, like toxin, we used toxicity test and a protein commonly used to kill ex-vivo human cells, TRAIL. As above, on top of two glass slides we put 50 µl containing 5 µg of TRAIL protein. For both slide the solvent was evaporated almost completelyand one of the two slides was treated with 50 ppm of ClO2. After the treatment both slides have been immerged in culture plates containing human colon cells. The cells have been incubated together with slide for 48 hours, in this period of time the TRAIL protein was free dissolve in the cell culture medium and eventually kill the cells. We observed that the glass treated with ClO2 did not affected at all the in vitro growth of the cell line, whereas the untreated glass slide caused more than 70% of cell death. This demonstrated that up treatment with ClO2 TRAIL protein was not able to exerts its toxic activity because it was inactivated.

Similar experiments have been performed using the gel form of Eoxide LQ, illustrating similar results. This gel, which is produced according to the Category 2 of the Commission Regulation (EC) No104/2005 of 13 June, Official Journal of the European Union L 178/1 , Publication date 9.7.2005, is appropriate for the disinfection of surfaces, of inner spaces.


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